Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Navigational Theory 4: Sight and Smell

This theory suggests that the homing pigeons use their keen senses of sight and smell to get home. It is based on the fact that there are specific scents in the air near home that are inherently unique. Pigeons are able to use their keen vision to see landmarks from great distances that helps guide them.

I can see there might be some truth to this theory, especially about their sight: I suppose it would be something like the way a human could go to the top of a very tall building and be able to see for dozens of miles around. High in the air, the birds enable themselves to see great distances, and can even see the horizon line. As stated in previous theories in this blog, I think this might be a way they navigate when they’re closer to home, but again, I know they must use other skills in addition to this one -- especially when they’re navigating, hundreds of miles from home.

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