Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Explaining WDRP Policy: Why Professional Standards?

The WDRP policy states that "Each member of our group has been asked to join because they have demonstrated high professional standards in the operation of their business..." Each of the policy points are extremely important, but this one is what makes or breaks the integrity of the business most. There are some dove release company lists out there that are simply that -- un-principled, un-scrutinized lists with no differentiation (nor concern) for the business practices of the companies they list.

The WDRP finds dependability and professionalism to be a requirement for its membership. Members must exhibit standards in how they treat and take care of their clients. We want our clients to be deeply touched by our service and the quality of our dove releases. We care greatly about how our customers feel about our services -- clients should expect nothing but the very best service we can properly provide.

WDRP membership is by invitation only, or by a carefully scrutinized application process, and then a period of apprenticeship, no matter how much experience that applicant has. This is in order to get to know the applicant well, work with them, converse with them, and to help them out in becoming a part of the "WDRP Family."


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