Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bogus Creek is a Full-Experience Wedding Venue

... What I mean by this is that Bogus Creek Outfitters is an incredible place to have a wedding or special event. Once you enter the ranch and exit your car, you suddenly become magically transported to the virtual "Wild West." At the front gates, horse-drawn covered wagons greet your wedding guests and transport them back into the park. The ride is beautiful and surreal. And at the end of that covered wagon experience, an entire faux-western town awaits your guests.

My favorite building is the Coldwater Chapel, which is the perfect backdrop from which to commit your wedding vows in front of all those you love.

I especially enjoy coordinating dramatic dove releases for this location: With the Coldwater Chapel, the lake behind it, and the crystal-blue skies, the ambiance is breathtaking. The chills I get from the bridal couple kissing, the white doves taking wing, and that beautiful setting are supreme! Check out the beautiful photo, taken by Boise area photographer Kevin Roberts, above! Yes, those are our doves -- and that's Bogus Creek's Coldwater Chapel in the background. Isn't it a great scene?

I hope that, when couples are choosing an outdoor wedding facility, they will visit with the friendly staff at Bogus Creek Outfitters in Boise. For the couple that enjoys the western experience, this is the place to immerse yourselves and your guests in it, to the hilt!

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