Sunday, October 18, 2009

Crop Walk 2009

I don't get to post about special releases as often as I'd like. Some of my favorites are very private, and it would be disrespectful to reveal the details of them. But I feel so very blessed to be able to meet the people I meet and watch the doves minister to them through their feathered beauty and symbolism. I fee so blessed, in fact, that it often brings tears to my eyes. So today, as I was reading, I came across such a special quote that exudes a compassion and understanding for the thankful emotions that sometimes overwhelm me in my "job."

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.”~Washington Irving

Speaking of special moments in my work: Crop Walk 2009 took place in Caldwell, Idaho this year, near West Valley Medical Center. A Breath of Heaven Doves were there to fly for them as a kick off to the walk. So many of the same compassionate and loving faces were there that have been since we've been a part of the event. And there were some special new ones, as well. They were all people from local Lutheran churches, gathered together to raise funds to take care of the hungry. This is one of my favorite charitable events to release the doves at. I believe they were our first charity, in fact, for whom our hearts were tugged to serve. May this event bring much relief to many in need this year, as in all years prior, and those in the future! Amen.

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